Tag Archives: Paa movie review

Paa Movie Review – tepid

Finally made it to Paa just at the end of its 3rd week.

Amitabh was great and so were Abhishek and Vidya. And the concept, certainly. Auro, the 12 year old kid played by Amitabh, certainly grows on you.

But I thought that the 2nd half lacked a conviction, missed an encore that would have lifted the movie off of a base the 1st half had created. The movie also seemed to lack a focus and was not able to create a central theme. What was the movie really about – Auro, progeria, Abhishek’s political career, obstinate Vidya… what? Venturing a bit into the technicalities, well, I also didn’t quite agree with the editing.

I guess this justifies the tepid response the movie has generated (at least with me).Das Kontent!

Will provide a more comprehensive rating once I get access to my rating algorithm (currently am travelling), but could give a 3.0(-) star, if stars are what you understand.

If you understand the ‘out of 10’ mechanism, here you go: Rating : 5.5 / 10

If you understand grades, the grade is: @ B.